The Luckiest Girl in the World

Verity Sweeny Purdy SKU: 9781895811575
The Luckiest Girl in the World

The Luckiest Girl in the World

Verity Sweeny Purdy SKU: 9781895811575
Regular price $14.00

Verity Sweeny Purdy at the age of eleven was sent to England to live with an aunt and train as a classical dancer. This memoir tells of her experience crossing Canada by train, the Atlantic Ocean by ship, and her arrival in England. Her story continues as she tells about her Aunt Doffrie and her bohemian way of life. We learn about her schooling and dance training. She writes about her mothers' Scottish cousins, their mansions and castles, and their life style that was so different from Verity's. For five years of her young life, Verity was the Luckiest Girl in the World.

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TouchWood Editions


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